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Towards the harmonization of data collection - A baseline study for e-waste in East Africa


United Nations Institute for Training and Research International Telecommunication Union

This baseline study by ITU, UNITAR and EACO for e-waste in East Africa, towards the harmonization of data collection, introduces the mixed use of tools and surveys to apply a harmonized approach to collecting data and statistics on e-waste, at the East Africa regional level.


The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 Quantities, flows and the circular economy potential


United Nations University International Telecommunication Union

The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 provides the most comprehensive overview of the global e-waste challenge, explains how it fits into international efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals, and discusses how to create a sustainable society and circular economy. The rep...


Future E-Waste Scenarios


United Nations Environment Programme United Nations University

StEP, UNU, and UNEP IETC worked extensively on e-waste issues and made an attempt to look into the future of the problem in order to initiate policy level discussions on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Having insight into the future will help policymakers and industrie...


The Global E-waste Monitor 2014 Quantities, flows and resources


The Global E-waste Monitor 2014: Quantified, Flows and Resources is the first publication and provided an unprecedented level of detail and accuracy about the size of the world’s e-waste challenge, ongoing progress in establishing specialized e-waste collection and treatment s...


The Global E-waste Monitor 2017 Quantities, Flows, and Resources


This report provided the most comprehensive overview of global e-waste statistics and an unprecedented level of detail, including an overview of the magnitude of the e-waste problem in different regions. The report included up-to-date information on the amounts of e-waste gene...


Facilitating Partnerships for Environmentally Sound Management of E-waste in India


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

In view of the growing concerns of e-waste management across the globe, in particular, the developing countries of Asia, the Secretariat of Basel Convention, under the project on Environmentally Sound Management of e-Waste in Asia Pacific, supported 10 Asian countries. India, ...


One Global Understanding of Re-Use — Common Definitions


This paper provides StEP definitions for terms associated with “reuse” of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) or its components. It has been developed within StEP’s Task Force “ReUse” and discussed with StEP’s other Task Forces, thus displaying agreement among the StEP m...


Elektronikschrott –nationale und internationale Perspektiven auf ein globales Problem. StEP und United Nations University.


A presentation on Elektronikschrott - nationale und internationale Perspektiven auf ein globales Problem by StEP und United Nations University.


E-waste Volume I: Inventory Assessment Manual


United Nations Environment Programme

This is a first manual on WEEE/ E-waste which is prepared as a guidance document to support WEEE/E-waste inventorisation and assessment risks involved. The “Definition” of WEEE/Ewaste varies across the continents and countries. These definitions have been discussed to assist p...

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