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Towards the harmonization of data collection - A baseline study for e-waste in East Africa


United Nations Institute for Training and Research International Telecommunication Union

This baseline study by ITU, UNITAR and EACO for e-waste in East Africa, towards the harmonization of data collection, introduces the mixed use of tools and surveys to apply a harmonized approach to collecting data and statistics on e-waste, at the East Africa regional level.


E-waste Africa Project Inspection and enforcement training, The Netherlands and Belguim


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This report reflects the results of the exchange programme that took place in the Netherlands and Belgium. As part of the SBC E-waste Africa project, component 4, IMPEL hosted a train-the-trainer event on Ewaste inspection and enforcement. The programme consisted of a combinat...


E-waste Inspection and Enforcement Manual


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This manual offers practical guidance and background information to regulatory and enforcement officers who deal with the transboundary movements of used electrical and electronic equipment (UEEE) and electrical and electronic waste (e-waste). While actions of both export and ...


Rapport technique de diagnostic national des mouvements transfrontières et de la gestion des DEEE en Benin


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The Benin e-Waste Country Assessment, comprising Component 1 and 2 of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention e-Waste Africa Project, was undertaken in Benin between November 2009 and January 2011. The study subjects included; importers and distributers, assemblers, consumers,...


Rapport technique d’étude de diagnostic sur la gestion des DEEE en Côte d’Ivoire


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The Cote d'Ivoire e-Waste Country Assessment, comprising Component 1 and 2 of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention e-Waste Africa Project, was undertaken between November 2009 and January 2011. The study subjects included; importers and distributers, assemblers, consumers, ...


Ghana e-waste country assessment


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The Ghana e-Waste Country Assessment, comprising Component 1 and 2 of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention e-Waste Africa Project, was undertaken in the Accra – Tema area of Ghana between November 2009 and January 2011. The study subjects included; importers and distributer...


E-waste Country Assessment Nigeria


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This report presents a national e-waste assessment for Nigeria and investigates the situation with regard to e-waste looking into, inter alia, trends of EEE imports, use and e-waste generation. The Nigerian study is part of the e-waste Africa project of the Secretariat of the ...


E-waste Assessment Methodology Training & Reference Manual


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This document presented the methodology for performing a country assessment in order to understand the current framework conditions, including a review of the current legislation, a stakeholder assessment, a mass flow assessment (inventory) and an environmental & socio-economi...


Facilitating Partnerships for Environmentally Sound Management of E-waste in India


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

In view of the growing concerns of e-waste management across the globe, in particular, the developing countries of Asia, the Secretariat of Basel Convention, under the project on Environmentally Sound Management of e-Waste in Asia Pacific, supported 10 Asian countries. India, ...


Manual on Steps to Establish and Implement Environmentally Sound Management for Used and Waste Computing Equipment


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This manual provided governments and companies with an overview of the essential elements to establish, maintain and strengthen the environmentally sound management (ESM) of used and waste computing equipment being collected, refurbished, repaired, recycled, and recovered. The...

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