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Lebanese National E-waste Monitor 2022


The National E-waste Monitor for Lebanon 2022 examines the overall statistics of electronic and electrical equipment placed on the market, the national stock and its subsequent e-waste generation, its disposal routes, and e-waste collection for environmentally sound management...


Reuse Potential - Evaluation of Reuse Opportunities within WEEE Compliance Schemes


The report compares and contrasts the e-waste management systems in countries/ states where reuse is operating successfully (these countries/states include the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Belgium). It helps in identifying specific success factors a...


Solid Waste Management in Cities


United Nations Human Settlements Programme

This module describes how the 2030 target of reducing the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management can be achieved by considering proportion of urban solid waste regularly c...


Collection of Municipal Solid Waste , Key issues for Decision-makers in Developing Countries


United Nations Human Settlements Programme

The collection of municipal solid waste is a public service that has important impacts on public health and the appearance of towns and cities. Unfortunately many urban administrations seem to be losing the battle of coping with the ever-increasing quantities of waste. The cha...


Collection of Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries


United Nations Human Settlements Programme

This publication is a valuable tool for policymakers, municipal engineers, independent service providers, planners, consultants, researchers and other professionals engaged in designing solid waste management systems in the towns and cities of the developing world. The princip...


Solid Waste Management in the World’ s Cities


United Nations Human Settlements Programme

This report captured the world’s current waste management trends and draw attention to the importance of waste management, especially regarding its role in reaching the UN Millennium Development Goals. The publication acknowledges the escalating challenges in solid waste manag...

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