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Internet Waste


International Telecommunication Union

The thought paper focuses on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) derived from wireless infrastructure for mobile Internet connectivity, connected devices and data storage with examples from mobile networks, IoT and data centres. The aim of this paper is to raise a...


Future E-Waste Scenarios


United Nations Environment Programme United Nations University

StEP, UNU, and UNEP IETC worked extensively on e-waste issues and made an attempt to look into the future of the problem in order to initiate policy level discussions on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Having insight into the future will help policymakers and industrie...


L.1020: Circular Economy: Guide for Operators and Suppliers on approaches to migrate towards circular ICT goods and networks


International Telecommunication Union

This Recommendation suggests approaches of circular economy (CE) for information and communication technology (ICT) goods and networks. It focused particularly on the next steps in improving circularity in the operators′ supply chain. It provides guidance on how operators coul...


Measuring resource efficiency and circular economy: A market value approach


United Nations University

This paper proposes a new value-based indicator to assess the performance of actors in the supply chain in terms of resource efficiency and circular economy. Using standard industry data from Statistics Netherlands, the resource efficiency of several Dutch industries were eval...


Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes


United Nations University

Batteries, electrical and electronic equipment, vehicles and mining waste contain both significant amounts and a large variety of raw materials, ranging from base metals to plastics, as well as precious metals and critical raw materials (CRMs). The EU is reliant on imports for...


The Labour, Human Health and Environmental Dimensions of E-waste Management in China


International Labour Organization

This research paper examines the labor, human health and environmental dimensions of e-waste management in China, analyzing both the formal and informal sectors. It identified the needs for synergizing policies and measures concerning environmental pollution control and labor ...

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