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Lebanese National E-waste Monitor 2022


The National E-waste Monitor for Lebanon 2022 examines the overall statistics of electronic and electrical equipment placed on the market, the national stock and its subsequent e-waste generation, its disposal routes, and e-waste collection for environmentally sound management...


Framework for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The framework for ESM of hazardous wastes and other wastes was developed to identify what countries should do at the national level and collectively as parties to the Convention to address the challenges of implementing ESM of wastes in a systematic and comprehensive manner. I...


Elektronikschrott –nationale und internationale Perspektiven auf ein globales Problem. StEP und United Nations University.


A presentation on Elektronikschrott - nationale und internationale Perspektiven auf ein globales Problem by StEP und United Nations University.


Differentiating EEE products and Wastes


This paper discusses the provisions of the Basel Convention that concern e-wastes, and it further examines the potential impact of the Draft technical guidelines on transboundary movements of e-waste and used electrical and electronic equipment, in particular regarding the dis...


Effect of Waste Legislation on TBM of EEE Destined for Reuse


This report evaluates current transboundary shipment legislation and its influence on the movement of used electrical and electronic equipment (UEEE) destined for reuse and/or refurbishment, specifically addressing the electronic refurbishment industry’s point of view. The rep...


E-waste Country Study Ethiopia


Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) have established a formal partnership focusing on the development of a sound e-waste management system for Ethiopia. In service of this goal, this study was carried out ...


International policy response towards potential supply and demand distortions of scarce metals


This paper takes account of international policies that relate to potential supply and demand distortions of geochemically scarce metals, using indium and tellurium, which are found in thin-film photovoltaics, as examples. The findings of a search among major global institutio...


Leaded Glass from Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs)


As a result of the replacement of cathode ray tube screens (CRTs) by flat screens, the world is confronted with stranded end-of-life CRTs. CRTs contain 1 to 1.5 kg of lead per screen; mainly found in the funnel and neck glass for radiation protection purposes. The lead content...


Recommendations on Standards for Collection, Storage, Transport and Treatment of E-waste: : Principles, Requirements and Conformity Assessment


This paper acts as a guide for the setup of the country- or region-specific EoL standards taking into account best practices and best available technologies (BAT). This paper is not an EoL standard. Rather, it gives an overview of the principles for the setup of EoL standards,...


StEP Green Paper on E-waste Indicators


This paper presents the results of a project aiming to comparatively evaluate the performance of e-waste policies in four European countries (Belgium, Netherlands, France, and Switzerland). Such a comparative analysis could help identify best policy practices used by governmen...

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