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Characterization of brominated flame retardants from e-waste components in China.


Many studies show that high levels of many toxic metals and persistent and bio-accumulative chemicals have been found in electronic waste (e-waste) dismantling sites and their surrounding environmental media. Both flame-retardant plastic housing materials and printed circuit b...


The Rise of Environmental Crime


United Nations Environment Programme

This report introduces to environmental crime, a new area of criminality, which is diversified and skyrocketed to become the world’s fourth largest crime sector in a few decades, growing at 2-3 times the pace of the global economy. It also refers to INTERPOL and UNEPs estimate...


Electrical/Electronic Waste and Children’s Health


World Health Organization

This training module introduces to e-waste and the potential toxic hazards associated with end of life management of e-waste which includes disposal practices, material recovery, open burning and formal/informal recycling. Specifically, this module focussed on how, when and wh...


Measuring resource efficiency and circular economy: A market value approach


United Nations University

This paper proposes a new value-based indicator to assess the performance of actors in the supply chain in terms of resource efficiency and circular economy. Using standard industry data from Statistics Netherlands, the resource efficiency of several Dutch industries were eval...


A review of the environmental fate and effects of hazardous substances released from electrical and electronic equipments during recycling: Examples from China and India


United Nations University

This paper presents data found in the scientific and grey literature about concentrations of lead (Pb), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated dioxins and furans as well as polybrominated dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs and PBDD/Fs) monitored in various environmen...


Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes


United Nations University

Batteries, electrical and electronic equipment, vehicles and mining waste contain both significant amounts and a large variety of raw materials, ranging from base metals to plastics, as well as precious metals and critical raw materials (CRMs). The EU is reliant on imports for...

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