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Children and Digital Dumpsites: E-waste Exposure and Child Health


World Health Organization

Effective and binding action is urgently required to protect the millions of children, adolescents and expectant mothers worldwide whose health is jeopardized by the informal processing of discarded electrical or electronic devices according to a new ground-breaking report fro...


Future E-Waste Scenarios


United Nations Environment Programme United Nations University

StEP, UNU, and UNEP IETC worked extensively on e-waste issues and made an attempt to look into the future of the problem in order to initiate policy level discussions on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Having insight into the future will help policymakers and industrie...


Socio-economic assessment and feasibility study on sustainable e-waste management in Ghana


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The study looked into feasible ways to integrate the informal refurbishing and e-waste recycling sector into possible business models in order to identify new market niches and generate significant employment and income opportunities for the urban poor. This report is composed...


E-waste Africa Project Inspection and enforcement training, The Netherlands and Belguim


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This report reflects the results of the exchange programme that took place in the Netherlands and Belgium. As part of the SBC E-waste Africa project, component 4, IMPEL hosted a train-the-trainer event on Ewaste inspection and enforcement. The programme consisted of a combinat...


Rapport technique de diagnostic national des mouvements transfrontières et de la gestion des DEEE en Benin


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The Benin e-Waste Country Assessment, comprising Component 1 and 2 of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention e-Waste Africa Project, was undertaken in Benin between November 2009 and January 2011. The study subjects included; importers and distributers, assemblers, consumers,...


Rapport technique d’étude de diagnostic sur la gestion des DEEE en Côte d’Ivoire


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The Cote d'Ivoire e-Waste Country Assessment, comprising Component 1 and 2 of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention e-Waste Africa Project, was undertaken between November 2009 and January 2011. The study subjects included; importers and distributers, assemblers, consumers, ...


Ghana e-waste country assessment


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The Ghana e-Waste Country Assessment, comprising Component 1 and 2 of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention e-Waste Africa Project, was undertaken in the Accra – Tema area of Ghana between November 2009 and January 2011. The study subjects included; importers and distributer...


Informal e-waste management in Lagos, Nigeria - socio-economic impacts and feasibility of international recycling co-operations


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This study is an integral part of the E-waste Africa Project and contains an in-depth socio-economic study on the functioning and the sustainability impacts of the informal EEE refurbishing and e-waste recycling sector in Lagos, as well as a comparison of currently practiced a...


E-waste Country Assessment Nigeria


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This report presents a national e-waste assessment for Nigeria and investigates the situation with regard to e-waste looking into, inter alia, trends of EEE imports, use and e-waste generation. The Nigerian study is part of the e-waste Africa project of the Secretariat of the ...


E-waste Assessment Methodology Training & Reference Manual


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

This document presented the methodology for performing a country assessment in order to understand the current framework conditions, including a review of the current legislation, a stakeholder assessment, a mass flow assessment (inventory) and an environmental & socio-economi...

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