The Global E-waste Monitor 2024 is the fourth edition of the Monitor. It is an indispensable reference tool for both policymakers and industry that shows the position of the world in terms of the global e-waste challenge. Since 2014, The Global E-waste Monitor has been the for...
ViewThe National E-waste Monitor 2024 – Kyrgyzstan provides an assessment of statistics, legislation, and management infrastructure of e-waste in the country. According to UNITAR data, the annual growth of e-waste generation will be approximately 500 tons and will reach almost 26 ...
ViewThe National E-waste Monitor 2024 – Kyrgyzstan provides an assessment of statistics, legislation, and management infrastructure of e-waste in the country. According to UNITAR data, the annual growth of e-waste generation will be approximately 500 tons and will reach almost 26 ...
ViewThis baseline study by ITU, UNITAR and EACO for e-waste in East Africa, towards the harmonization of data collection, introduces the mixed use of tools and surveys to apply a harmonized approach to collecting data and statistics on e-waste, at the East Africa regional level.
ViewThe project “ Update and maintenance of WEEE-Tools - ENV.B.3/SER/2019/0014” undertaken by UNITAR-SCYCLE was set up with the aim to update and maintain the WEEE tools and provide support to MS in using the WEEE Tools. This so-called WEEE Calculation Tool (WCT) is designed to a...
ViewThe joint UNEP-UNITAR 2050 Electronic and Electrical Waste Outlook in West Asia provides two contrasting future scenarios for e-waste management in Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates...
ViewThis thought paper presents complementary solutions and concepts to propel e-waste collection rates in line with extended producer responsibility (EPR) - based regulation, whilst also delving into the perceived need for an international regime around EPR to assist with harmon...
ViewThe transboundary movement of e-waste topic has found its way into the public perception via various alarming reports, however, the facts on the quantities and trade routes have not yet been researched at a global level. The transboundary E-waste Flows Monitor quantified that ...
ViewThe National E-waste Monitor for Lebanon 2022 examines the overall statistics of electronic and electrical equipment placed on the market, the national stock and its subsequent e-waste generation, its disposal routes, and e-waste collection for environmentally sound management...
ViewThe Regional E-waste Monitor for Latin-America 2022, presents results for the 13 countries participating in project UNIDO-GEF 5554. The report provides an assessment of statistics, legislation, and management infrastructure of e-waste and persistent organic pollutants in Argen...
ViewEstas Directrices son fruto del trabajo del Programa de Sustainable Cycles (SCYCLE) de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas y su objetivo es ayudar a los países en su empeño por recopilar y divulgar información sobre estadísticas en materia de RAEE basándose en definiciones y...
ViewThe Regional E-waste Monitor for the Arab States 2021 provides an assessment of statistics, legislation, and management infrastructure of e-waste in Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, The State of Palest...
ViewThe Regional E-waste Monitor for the CIS + Georgia 2021 provides an assessment of statistics, legislation, and management infrastructure of e-waste in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekis...
ViewThe thought paper focuses on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) derived from wireless infrastructure for mobile Internet connectivity, connected devices and data storage with examples from mobile networks, IoT and data centres. The aim of this paper is to raise a...
ViewThe toolkit report considers the need for an all-actors approach and for the fair, inclusive and timely application of the extended producer responsibility principle. Policymakers are invited to use this toolkit as a pragmatic guide to formulate and strengthen e-waste manageme...
ViewIn the first three quarters of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a 30% fall in electronic and electrical equipment sales in low- and middle-income countries, but only a 5% decline in high-income countries, highlighting and intensifying the digital divide between North and Sou...
ViewEffective and binding action is urgently required to protect the millions of children, adolescents and expectant mothers worldwide whose health is jeopardized by the informal processing of discarded electrical or electronic devices according to a new ground-breaking report fro...
ViewUNITAR/United Nations University present an in-depth review on the WEEE Collection Rates in the EU-28, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, which shows that the implementation mechanisms of WEEE legislation, such as the ‘all actors’ approach, a clearing house, and mandatory handov...
ViewThis (UNU/UNITAR) SCYCLE published report summarizes a new integrated method for monitoring the export of used electrical and electronic equipment. The report was commissioned by the Dutch monitoring council (monitoringsberaad). The council was interested in the methodology an...
ViewThe Dutch WEEE Flows 2020: What happened between 2010 and 2018?” quantifies the 2018 Dutch WEEE Flows in 2018 manner comparable to the Dutch WEEE Flows study of 2010. The report presents the EEE POM, the WEEE Generated, the compliantly regulated WEEE Collection, and the WEEE F...
ViewThe Global E-waste Monitor 2020 provides the most comprehensive overview of the global e-waste challenge, explains how it fits into international efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals, and discusses how to create a sustainable society and circular economy. The rep...
ViewCurrently, only a few countries have a uniform measurement system for waste electrical and electronic equipment (e-waste or WEEE). However, there is already substantial data available for both developed and less-developed countries that relate to e-waste statistics. In order t...
ViewStEP, UNU, and UNEP IETC worked extensively on e-waste issues and made an attempt to look into the future of the problem in order to initiate policy level discussions on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Having insight into the future will help policymakers and industrie...
ViewThe Global E-waste Monitor 2014: Quantified, Flows and Resources is the first publication and provided an unprecedented level of detail and accuracy about the size of the world’s e-waste challenge, ongoing progress in establishing specialized e-waste collection and treatment s...
ViewThis report uniquely presents a summary of the e-waste statuses in East and Southeast Asia. It is arranged so as to allow direct comparisons where possible that can help further the development of e-waste management systems based on other countries experiences. It covers regio...